
info from Fort O'Virbus, leads to the Standard Quest Leaders in Training


LANZ: Hey, what's up with those soldiers training at Fort O'Virbus? They seem kinda weird.

SENA: Define weird.

LANZ: It's like, they're always talking down to everyone like they're something special.

EUNIE: Yeah, they're a cheeky lot.

TAION: You're one to talk.

EUNIE: Shut it, you.

EUNIE: Honestly, though, I can't be doing with people like that.

NOAH: It's probably got something to do with all the lectures the cadets on the executive ladder have to sit through.

SENA: That seems kind of... unreliable?

LANZ: Yeah, first sign of a real battle and they'll be stuffed.

EUNIE: Absolutely up the creek.

TAION: But what can we do about that?

LANZ: ...We could challenge them! Eh? Eh?

TAION: Explain.

LANZ: Think about it. If we can wreck 'em in a fight, we can crush the attitude problems right out of 'em!

EUNIE: I'm with Lanz. We've gotta teach them how to be better. It's for their own good.

TAION: This is a ludicrous idea.

LANZ: Then it's settled. We're going to Fort O'Virbus and we're gonna hunt down those rude mudders!

The Nopon are Here

info from Colony Tau, required Hero Juniper, leads to the Standard Quest Cultural Exchange


MIO: Everyone's commenting on how Colony Tau's gained a few Nopon!

RIKU: Nopon are everyplace!

MANANA: It true! Nopon very hardy people.

NOAH: The locals are a bit afraid of them, it seems. I can't say I'd call any Nopon I've ever met "scary"...

JUNIPER: If Honorine invited them, I'm sure they can't be bad...

LANZ: Stuffing their faces, eh? And here I thought Manana was the only one capable of that.

MANANA: Height of rudeness!

TAION: All right, enough prattling, all of you. Shall we look into it, then?

NOAH: Good idea. Let's talk to the Nopon as well.

Harvest Time

required Hero Juniper, leads to the Standard Quest The Harvest


LANZ: So, is harvest time a big deal for your lot?

JUNIPER: It is, yes. We grow virtually all our own food in the colony.

JUNIPER: We can't sustain ourselves on hunting alone, you know?

NOAH: What's the harvest festival all about, then?

JUNIPER: Nothing special, just a harvest, really. We have a lot of crops to bring in at this time of year.

JUNIPER: The only problem is we're a bit short-handed this year. People are braced for hard work.

MIO: Can we be of any use?

SENA: It's just harvesting, right? I can do harvesting!

JUNIPER: Would you? It would delay your journey...

EUNIE: Ah ah ah! This is the part where you just thank us graciously and move on.

MIO: Eunie's right.

JUNIPER: OK, then, thank you. I'd be grateful for your help.

LANZ: Arright, let's get harvesting!

JUNIPER: Everyone will be waiting by the entrance to Colony Tau.

Where's Imogen?

required Hero Juniper, leads to the Standard Quest Lost Friend


SENA: I wonder how the people who left the colony are doing...

JUNIPER: They've stayed in regular contact, and as far as I can tell they seem to be doing well enough.

NOAH: That's a bit alarming.

JUNIPER: Imogen's not the type to do anything irregular, so it's unsettling that she wouldn't get in contact with us.

MIO: Where did she go again?

JUNIPER: Colony 4.

NOAH: Do you know why she went there?

JUNIPER: I don't, actually. All I know is that she was very dead-set on it.

MIO: Hmm... In that case, would it be worth going to look for her?

TAION: Colony 4 are an upstanding bunch, so I don't expect that anything bad will have happened. Still...

JUNIPER: Let's go anyway, and find out from Imogen herself.

Korresia's Return

required Hero Juniper, leads to the Standard Quest Korresia Finds Her Calling


MIO: Korresia left for Colony Gamma, didn't she?

JUNIPER: Right. Even before the Flame Clock was broken, she'd always been interested in life outside the colony.

JUNIPER: As soon as she got the chance, she picked up and set off for Gamma.

SENA: It must be so cool to be able to make accessories.

JUNIPER: Yeah, she's always been quite dexterous. Always big into playing to her advantages.

EUNIE: All right, you got me interested. What sort of stuff does she make?

SENA: Oh, let's go visit her and you can see for yourself!

JUNIPER: That's a nice idea. OK, let's see how Korresia's doing.

Bountiful Ether

info from Colony Lambda, leads to the Standard Quest Surplus Supply


NOAH: They say Colony Lambda's been raking in the ether lately.

EUNIE: Yeah, some bloke called Koji's meant to be behind it all.

TAION: He seems to have pressured the commander personally. Which sounds like Koji.

LANZ: They've always had some ether, I thought. They mined it, didn't they?

TAION: They're saying that there's huge amounts of it now. It takes some skill to produce such results in that length of time.

MIO: Accomplishing something like that in Colony Lambda? That's no small feat.

NOAH: There are so many colonies that never have enough ether, and here's Colony Lambda, sitting on a hoard of it.

MIO: They're saying they have too much, even.

SENA: Can't they share some with other colonies?

LANZ: Yeah, what's stopping 'em? How about we ask 'em ourselves?

NOAH: I'm curious too. Let's find out.

Colony 9 Food Issues

info from Colony 9, leads to the Standard Quest A Difficult Transition


NOAH: People in Colony 9 really aren't happy with the current food situation.

EUNIE: Even now they're released from the Flame Clock, this is all they whinge about.

MIO: And it'll take time for Zeon's fields to yield a harvest...

TAION: It probably isn't just Kite who's worried about the shortages.

TAION: If we let it go on as they are, one day things will explode.

NOAH: ...

NOAH: This has probably occurred to you all, but...

EUNIE: You mean the fact that Fox is plotting something idiotic?

NOAH: Right.

NOAH: I think...

NOAH: I think he might be planning to raid some of the neighboring colonies.

SENA: How could he...?

LANZ: Sparks... I don't suppose a good punch in the mouth would convince him?

MIO: I hope we're in time to stop him...

TAION: ...Is Kite involved?

EUNIE: If he is, then this whole thing gets even bigger and messier.

EUNIE: He's always looking out for the rank and file, so they absolutely adore him.

TAION: I see.

EUNIE: Maybe Camilla knows something.

EUNIE: She's the same term as Fox, and they've been all buddy-buddy lately.

LANZ: Do you think she's mixed up in this as well?

NOAH: We'll never know without hearing what she has to say.

Auto-Lev Situation

info from Lambda after completing the Standard Quest 'Lambda's Problem'. Leads to the Standard Quest Restart


TAION: Lambda's Auto-Levs still don't seem to be functioning.

NOAH: You mean the ones we took down with Isurd, after the cave-in?

SENA: It's weird... We still don't know why they flipped out like that.

LANZ: Not only does the colony's best line of defense go berserk, it shuts down altogether. I don't like it.

MIO: Shall we go and look into things?

EUNIE: Yeah, there's probably something we can help with.

NOAH: Then let's go and see.

The Mondo

info from eavesdropping by the Colony Iota North Gate


LANZ: Hey Taion, can I just say, your Blade's awesome.

EUNIE: Oh yeah, it's nifty as all spark!

TAION: Don't ambush me with your praise, please. You're making me queasy.

EUNIE: If you use enough of the Mondo, could you get them to carry heavy stuff for you?

LANZ: Since they're so tiny, can you use them to spy on enemies without 'em knowing?

SENA: Ohh, now we're dreaming big! With enough Mondo, there's nothing we can't do, I bet!

TAION: Now you're letting your minds run away with you. There are limits to how many Mondo I can control, and to the range.

LANZ: Oh, for real...? Well, that's a shame...

EUNIE: Yeah... Bit of an anticlimax...

SENA: Aww... I'm feeling let down, somehow...

TAION: ...

TAION: Ngh... That said, nothing is impossible! When I truly apply myself, the Mondo's capabilities are limitless.

LANZ: Nice one, Taion!

EUNIE: I knew you had it in you, my guy!

SENA: You're the best, Taion! My hero!

TAION: Y-yeah, just... Just leave it to me. Heheh... eh...

NOAH: (Is he... OK...?)

MIO: (He knows they won't let him take this back, doesn't he...?)

Collectopaedia Abuse

info from filling in Sif's bugged-out Collectopaedia request (which appears after fixing Lambda's canteen) and then eavesdropping in Colony Iota. Maybe do both simultaneously? Required Hero Alexandria, leads to the Standard Quest Bugs


MIO: What do you make of those strange comments?

NOAH: I've never seen any with garbled text like that before.

EUNIE: And it's weird that someone issued the exact same request multiple times.

LANZ: Think our Irises are broken?

TAION: ...Don't scare me like that. The very possibility makes me shudder.

SENA: Maybe it's a bug in the card itself?

ALEXANDRIA: That sounds like something to ask Sequoia.

ALEXANDRIA: If it really is a bug, she'll be in the most foul mood until the matter's resolved.

EUNIE: Ugh, do we have to...?

NOAH: She seems to be our best option.

MIO: Right. Let's see what she has to say.

Goods in Storage

info from eavesdropping in Colony Iota after completing Enemies and Allies and distributing goods to other colonies, required Hero Alexandria. Leads to the Standard Quest Scant Supplies


LANZ: Colony Iota's storehouse is going to be in trouble pretty soon.

TAION: Indeed. More people rely on their resources than ever, and we're burning through them rapidly.

SENA: Do you think we've given out too much?

TAION: I think that even without that, they need to start considering what they'll do the next time a resupply doesn't arrive on schedule.

ALEXANDRIA: You don't have to worry about it. I'm the one who asked you to do this.

ALEXANDRIA: And it's not the first time we've been short on supplies.

TAION: You can't afford to be so glib.

TAION: If it's causing a strain on the colony, you should re-examine your procedures.

MIO: We can help out with some short-term resupply runs.

EUNIE: It's the least we could do after all the taking we've been doing.

ALEXANDRIA: In that case, I'll take you up on your offer.

ALEXANDRIA: As you know, the storehouse is Chelle's domain. Let's talk to her first.

ALEXANDRIA: She's probably already got some ideas, and if you work together you can be more efficient.

Gratitude for Supplies

info from Colony 4 after giving them supplies from Iota


MIO: It seems the supplies from Colony Iota are a lifeline for many other colonies.

LANZ: The ones we handed out, yeah? If people are usin' them, then it's a job well done for us as well.

NOAH: All we really did was operate the Collectopaedia Cards, that's it.

NOAH: I think it only went as well as it did thanks to Alexandria and Colony Iota stockpiling so many supplies.

EUNIE: You've got a point there.

EUNIE: They're definitely the ones who deserve kudos, for coming up with the Collectopaedia Cards and stuff.

EUNIE: ...I wouldn't say that to Alex's face though, mind.

EUNIE: I don't think I could bear to watch her smile that smug natural winner's smile again...

MIO: Oh, really? I kinda like her smile.

SENA: Samesies.

LANZ: ...Not sure you're talking about the same thing?

TAION: I also feel a little lost now...

Forest Living

info gained from completing The Harvest


EUNIE: Colony Tau sure is a batty place, huh?

TAION: An understatement, if I ever heard one. It's straining the definition of the word "Colony"...

MIO: Well, I like their rich natural environment...

LANZ: Yeah, that's about the only thing they've got going for 'em. Even their Clock was almost all the way out.

SENA: And they don't seem to use their Ferronis much...

TAION: But conversely, that makes it harder for enemy troops to find them. There doesn't seem to be much traffic in the area.

NOAH: Their Consul hardly even visits them. They've been left to fend for themselves in so many ways...

MIO: Hard to believe they've survived that way for so long...

TAION: It does beg the question, doesn't it?

NOAH: It's a mysterious twist of fate that led us to meet and get to know them, truly.

SENA: Right? Maybe it wasn't so bad getting shot at after all, eh, Eunie?

EUNIE: Excuse me?! How'd you like to be on the receiving end next time?!

Tactician's Plan

info from eavesdropping in Colony 4 after completing Charity and Hypocrisy. Leads to the Standard Quest Tactical Eradication


NOAH: I wonder what Maxie's plan is.

LANZ: Whatever it is, he trusts us now, right? Something to celebrate.

SENA: Yeah, it's good to know we haven't just been yelling into the void. We're... useful.

LANZ: ...That said, not everyone was happy.

EUNIE: That Jeremy lad? He's probably been through a lot.

EUNIE: And Maxie said it himself. Not everyone's ready to be bezzies with us.

TAION: In which case, is it wise to take him at his word?

MIO: I think we should. Must, even. He's worried about Colony 4, naturally.

MIO: And if we can resolve the misunderstandings about us, as Maxie said...

SENA: Well said, Mimi.

LANZ: Act first, worry later. Yeah?

NOAH: Yeah, there's no point rehashing it. We just need to do what we believe is right.

Imogen at Colony 4

part of the Standard Quest Lost Friend, info bits from talking to four people around the Colony. Required Hero Juniper




info from eavesdropping in the Colony 4 ferronis, leads to the Standard Quest Exhausted Supplies


EUNIE: I'm probably just imagining it, but...

EUNIE: Does Colony 4 not feel a bit... tense to you?

MIO: I noticed that too. Maybe something happened.

TAION: I've heard that procurement of supplies isn't going too well.

TAION: Not having what they need when they need seems to be an ever present problem.

LANZ: Ah, yeah, that would explain why they're so moody.

SENA: And who's in charge of that stuff again?

EUNIE: A department called the procurement division, according to the soldiers who were whinging about it.

NOAH: If we're ever in the area, why not pay a visit to this procurement division?

Parts Gone Missing

info from talking to 3 people in Colony 30, part of the quest Missing Parts



Colony Lambda Defenses

info from eavesdropping in Lambda after completing the quest Restart. Leads to the Standard Quest New Developments




info from eavesdropping just outside Colony Lambda (likely after Restart)


LANZ: Say, those Auto-Lev majiggers are pretty nifty, eh?

TAION: Colony Lambda was once defeated by Colony 13, owing to their special tactics...

TAION: Commander Isurd must have been deterred from fighting head-on, and requested them from the Castle.

EUNIE: The autonomous Levnises, you mean?


Captain of the Guard

info from eavesdropping in Fort O'Virbus after completing Leaders in Training. Leads to the Standard Quest The Castle Guard


TAION: The Captain of the Guard from Keves Castle has been looking for us, it seems.

SENA: We're the talk of Fort O'Virbus, huh.

MIO: Do you... think they're not happy with us? Because we broke their Flame Clock?

TAION: I wouldn't say so. That wasn't the impression I got from observing the fort.

MIO: Without a Consul in place, I don't think it would be a trap...

NOAH: There's only one way to find out. Let's chat with the Captain of the Guard.