Rope Slides

info from talking to Rowland after freeing Colony Tau


EUNIE: Ey, I think we've gotten pretty good at using those rope slides!

MIO: Yeah! I feel quite used to them now. And they're a load of fun, too!

NOAH: I feel like I've seen them around the Fornis region as well.

TAION: Anything that makes traversal easier is a welcome tool as far as I'm concerned.

LANZ: Since we're on the subject, what about those rope launcher gizmos the militaries have left all over the shop?

TAION: Ah, those? They're typically carried in and placed via Levnis. I'm afraid most aren't in active use.

LANZ: All right, but if we used them, we might be able to get access to some new places, right?

EUNIE: Huh... That's actually a pretty good idea, if you ignore the guy that said it!

LANZ: You didn't need that last part!

NOAH: Good thinking, Lanz. Next time we see one, let's try using it.

Six Houses' Enmity

info from the City


EUNIE: OK, OK, let's lay it out once and for all... House Ortiz works together with Monica's family, the Vandhams...

MIO: And opposed to them are the Doyles, people call them the "conservatives".

NOAH: And keeping the middle ground between them is House... Rhodes? Is that right?

EUNIE: Man, City politics are confusing as all get-out...

LANZ: And why're they opposing each other in the first place? They're all City people, ain't they?

TAION: The more people in a community, the more opportunity for ideological divides. I think this is one of those.

TAION: Though they share a common goal, they disagree on the best way to achieve it. ...I have some experience with that.

EUNIE: There's bound to be some story behind the story, one that we don't know. It's always something like that...

NOAH: Indeed. We should tread carefully whenever we have to deal with them.

TAION: That does seem prudent. If we misstep, we might become embroiled in the conflict as well.

SENA: I still hope one day everyone can work together as one... Is that naive...?

Urayan Mountains


EUNIE: So, these Urayan Mountains... To be honest, I kind of expected them to be a little more... mountainous?

MIO: Yeah... Makes you wonder whether someone misnamed the place...

TAION: Approximately half of the formation has been lost to annihilation events.

TAION: Keves Castle's Annihilator made a dent too, adding insult to injury.

LANZ: Wow, thanks for the reminder, mate... I don't really wanna think too long about that snuffin' doomsday device.

TAION: Truthfully, neither do I.

SENA: Makes you wonder, though... D'you think one day, the entire world could just... go up in smoke like that?

NOAH: Not in our lifetimes, I don't think, but... Maybe decades, or even centuries after we're gone...?

MIO: It's probably unavoidable, isn't it...?

NOAH: Yeah...

EUNIE: That's, like, the deep-deep future... I don't think my brain can take me that far.

LANZ: Well, we're still fine, but the lot that comes after - ages and ages after - they'll be kinda snuffed, huh?

NOAH: Almost definitely... It might seem like that's nothing to do with us, but that isn't quite right. What we do matters.

LANZ: I'm with you. Can't just look the other way, pretend we don't see the effects of our actions. Even if it makes you feel bad...

TAION: Oh? You're capable of feeling bad? I should mark my calendar.

LANZ: I'm being vulnerable here, you arse! Get the spark outta here with your cheap shots!


info from ???


SENA: I did always wonder why Keves Castle was in a place with that much black fog...

SENA: Guess it's so that they can use the Annihilator, huh?

TAION: Of course, that's likely part of it...

TAION: But if they have a way to convert the fog into energy, then the uses for it need not remain limited to the Annihilator.

EUNIE: If I stop to think about it, the tech there is kinda amazing. It could seriously turn the world on its head, innit.

TAION: I'm sure the Moebius have it sequestered away precisely to avoid that outcome.

LANZ: ...And then we went and wrecked it.

NOAH: Until now, we've always been the ones being chased.

NOAH: I think it was a good chance to show that we can and will strike back at them.

SENA: Next time let's go even bigger!

LANZ: Yeah! We'll show 'em what us Ouroboros boys and girls are made of!

MIO: Come on... I get that you're excited, but please try to remember what it is we're actually trying to achieve, hm?

Colony Lambda's Canteen

info from Colony Lambda, leads to the Standard Quest Lambda's Problem


TAION: I hear Colony Lambda's having a difficult time now that they can't use the canteen.

SENA: Yeeeah... We did kind of tear up the place...

MIO: Mm. But if there's anything we can do...

EUNIE: We could cook something up for them?

NOAH: That's only going to help them in the short term.

LANZ: Then what? Don't tell me you wanna build them a whole new canteen...?

TAION: ...That's a surprisingly reasonable idea, Lanz.

LANZ: Oh, well then, I'll just cobble one together, shall I?

NOAH: We couldn't do the labor ourselves, but Lambda's a big colony. It can't hurt to float the idea.

TAION: I imagine talking to the captain of the manufacturing unit would be a good place to start.

SENA: Sounds like a plan. Let's get going!

MIO: Yes, the sooner this gets resolved, the better.

Food For Tau

required Hero Juniper, leads to the Standard Quest Tau-Tirkin Alliance


SENA: Everyone in Colony Tau is out gathering food, right?

JUNIPER: Right. Food stocks are pretty tight at this time of year.

LANZ: Is it really that rough? Coulda fooled me.

JUNIPER: We're not exactly destitute. It's more about our relationship with our neighbors...

TAION: What do you mean by that?

JUNIPER: We always give a bit to the Tirkins around this time of year.

JUNIPER: It keeps things sweet between us. We've got something of an alliance going on.

NOAH: That's... different.

JUNIPER: There's this one Tirkin they call the Tirking.

JUNIPER: Would you like to go and meet him?

EUNIE: Sounds fun. I'm game.

JUNIPER: First I have to talk to Rowland about the food situation, though.

Colony Tau's Off-Seer

required Hero Juniper, leads to the Standard Quest Off-Seeing Customs


NOAH: Colony Tau doesn't have any off-seers, does it?

JUNIPER: No. We return our dead to the earth.

LANZ: Weird thing to do. I never heard of anyone doing that.

JUNIPER: Who grows up in the forest, goes back to the forest. And until that time comes, a peaceful resting place awaits you.

TAION: I'm from Agnus and even I've never heard of this custom. I suppose it's deeply rooted in Colony Tau's culture.

JUNIPER: It is. Which is why the concept of "sending off" isn't something we've ever had to consider.

MIO: But... you did have an off-seer in the past, from what I've heard?

JUNIPER: In the past, yes. But he was killed in combat with Keves.

EUNIE: Were you there, Juniper?

JUNIPER: I was. He drew enemy fire with the rear guard. I would not have escaped, were it not for his sacrifice.

EUNIE: Well that's depressing.

LANZ: But what did your off-seer usually do, given that he wouldn't be off-seeing?

JUNIPER: Tilled the fields, mostly. As I said, we didn't really need off-seers.

EUNIE: Still depressing.

JUNIPER: ...Actually, could I ask you to send off our off-seer?

NOAH: Of course, if that's what you want.

JUNIPER: If there is a place we return to, then surely there are avenues other than the earth to reach it.

JUNIPER: That's what I've come to believe, anyway. You know, if there really is some peaceful place waiting somewhere...

MIO: That's a lovely thought.

NOAH: Do you know where the off-seer is? We'll get there straight away.

JUNIPER: Thanks. I'll take you.

Colony 11's Future

acquired immediately after freeing the colony, required Hero Ashera, leads to the Standard Quest Three Ravens at War


NOAH: Ashera, what will Colony 11 do now?

ASHERA: Hm? Why ask me?

EUNIE: Try not to play dumb... Maybe he's asking because it's your colony?

ASHERA: Erm, no? Surely it's your colony now, if anything.

EUNIE: Wha... Just how do you figure that?

ASHERA: I figure it by how soundly Colony 11 was trashed into submission by the traitorous Ouroboros.

ASHERA: They say to the victor go the spoils. Therefore, Colony 11 now belongs to you lot.

MIO: You were also on the winning side, if memory serves.

LANZ: Ahh, if the commander herself says it's fine, who are we to argue?

TAION: Our list of allies is limited. We're grateful for any cooperation.

ASHERA: Oh, I forgot to tell you something...

ASHERA: We're a fickle lot in Colony 11. Most of us do as we please. So you should be careful how you handle us.

ASHERA: Just because I've taken a liking to you doesn't mean the others will.

EUNIE: Why can't you just explain our good qualities to them, get them to help us?

ASHERA: What, I should just tell them directly? A bunch of people who'll cut me down if I show any weakness?

EUNIE: I guess that won't work... But then what the spark are we supposed to do?

ASHERA: Hmm. Let me give you a piece of advice, as former commander.

ASHERA: In Colony 11 there's a group of elite soldiers called the Three Ravens.

SENA: Three...?

ASHERA: You don't remember? They fought us on Ixia Bridge.

LANZ: Oh, those guys! Their names were... lemme think...

ASHERA: "Spearhead Zoren", "Fellplume Easel", and "Tenacious Clad".

ASHERA: They lead the three units that make up Colony 11. You could call them the pillars of the colony.

ASHERA: Win those three over, and you've basically got the whole colony.

LANZ: You make it sound simple. How are we meant to "win them over", exactly?

ASHERA: Good question. I simply crushed them until they did my bidding.

EUNIE: Queen's teeth, no wonder they wanna kill you!

ASHERA: But I know that you lot can play it a bit smarter than that.

ASHERA: For example, you could glean some intel about them. The best way to know an enemy is to become their friend.

SENA: Whoa...

ASHERA: They may be a group of thugs, but as soldiers go they're the best of the best. Not as good as me, obviously.

ASHERA: I can't see any downside to winning them over. It'd do wonders for your ally base. How about it?

NOAH: You're not wrong there. We'll think it over.

ASHERA: Thinking, is it? Don't deliberate over it for too long.

EUNIE: What's that supposed to mean?

ASHERA: Leave that lot alone for too long and they'll end up in some battle or other.

ASHERA: You'd better do something about them before they end up being a nuisance for someone else.

EUNIE: Is trouble seriously all your colony is good for...?

ASHERA: Hahaha, might be! Well, I wish you luck!

Someone's Sheet Music

info from the City, leads to the Standard Quest Counterpoint


MIO: So about this sheet music we found in the City...

MIO: I gave it a try and it turns out it's a really cheerful piece of music.

MIO: It looks like only half the music is in here, though. I'd really like to know the rest.

NOAH: Someone in the City will have dropped it. Should we see if we can find who it belongs to?

MIO: Yes, please!

NOAH: OK, let's find somewhere with plenty of people and try asking around.


info from the City, leads to the Standard Quest The Scavenger Force


SENA: The City's full of things I've never heard of, and all this amazing tech and stuff.

SENA: But they seem to have to scavenge things like Levnis parts, like we do.

EUNIE: It'll be a sight harder than just normal scavenging, too.

EUNIE: Outwitting both Agnus and Keves to get the stuff they need? Not my idea of fun.

EUNIE: And they can't leave any trace behind either.

TAION: That's why they have a specialized scavenging force.

TAION: They're elite, but in a different way to Monica's corps, which fight on the front line.

TAION: I assume there can't be many of them, so the force can stay flexible and mobile.

EUNIE: What, like a little secret platoon?

MIO: Hey, could we pay a visit to N'ohm Wetlands ourselves?

MIO: I would like to know more about these Lost Numbers...

NOAH: You're curious about the scavengers?

MIO: A little. It seems like a lot of hard work.

LANZ: We could lend 'em a hand. They're probably pretty shorthanded over there.

LANZ: Least, Eunie made it sound like they're a titchy little unit.

EUNIE: Oh, so it's my fault, is it?

NOAH: Well regardless, it'd be a good opportunity to get to know them better.

NOAH: To N'ohm Wetlands it is.

Gray's Autonomy

required Hero Gray, info from the City, leads to the Standard Quest Lovebirds


NOAH: Gray, you come from the City, don't you?

GRAY: Yeah.

EUNIE: No need to be so standoffish, mate. You're allowed to talk, you know.

GRAY: Don't usually bother with trivial stuff.

MIO: So... You have a wife, don't you? Do you want to go and see her?

GRAY: Fine either way.

LANZ: Come on, that's no good. She'll want to see you.

GRAY: ...

NOAH: You can always drop in while you're giving your report for the Lost Numbers.

EUNIE: Oh yeah! You kept all that about the Lost Numbers quiet, didn't you?

GRAY: I told you I don't talk about unimportant stuff.

EUNIE: ...Cannot believe this bloke...

EUNIE: Let's have it out, then. Proposal: let's go and see this wife of yours.

GRAY: ...

EUNIE: I'm taking your silence as a "yes". Good work, team. Let's go.

Colony Mu's Future

required Hero Fiona, info gained immediately after freeing the Colony, leads to the Standard Quest Unease


FIONA: Hey, everyone... There's something I wanted to talk to you all about.

FIONA: A lot of people in Colony Mu still seem worried, even though it's been liberated...

FIONA: What can I do to lift everyone's spirits again? Do you have any ideas?

TAION: I'm not surprised they're feeling shaken after a traumatic sequence of events like that...

MIO: What about you, Fiona? Are *you* OK? You're not stressing yourself out, are you?

FIONA: I have to be OK. If I look like I'm down, everyone else will feel down, too...

LANZ: That definitely sounds like stressing yourself out to me!

LANZ: I know Tallow said this already, but you can tell us anything, 'kay?

LANZ: There must be stuff that's too tough to discuss with people in the colony...

NOAH: ...I was just going to mention that.

NOAH: You still haven't told your colony about the Consul's true identity, have you?

FIONA: ...I thought it'd be better not to tell them...

SENA: Aw, Fifi...

FIONA: Besides, I just want to think about the future from now on.

FIONA: I want everyone to feel truly happy that we survived together, or excited for tomorrow...

FIONA: I want to bring those feelings back for everyone, to make their sadness disappear...

LANZ: ...Well then, isn't it obvious what you need to do?

SENA: In Colony Mu, everybody works together as one. Isn't that what you all say?

MIO: Why don't you try talking to the colony about what to do next, Fifi?

FIONA: I'm... not sure how that would pan out...

SENA: We can come with you! Would you like that?

FIONA: Ah...! Yes, please...!

NOAH: We can ask for Tallow's cooperation too, since he knows all about the situation.

FIONA: Oh, but one more thing...

FIONA: Is it OK... if I call you "Sennie"?

SENA: Who, me? For sure!

LANZ: Hey, how come only she gets a nickname?

FIONA: You want one too? How about... "Lan-Lan"?

LANZ: "Lan-Lan"?!

EUNIE: That suits you so well, Lan-Lan!

NOAH: Guess you're Lan-Lan now.

LANZ: You lot really wind me up...

MIO: All right, all right. Enough with the nicknames.

MIO: Let's get started - Colony Mu needs us. I'm sure Tallow will help us out.

Colony Iota Goods

required Hero Alexandria, required location Colony Iota Canteen, leads to the Standard Quest Enemies and Allies


NOAH: So there's something about the Colony 4 resource problem that I've been thinking about.

TAION: Alexandria, why did you help-?

ALEXANDRIA: That's a bit of a rude question.

ALEXANDRIA: Colony 4's an ally. They've been released from their Flame Clock.

ALEXANDRIA: I don't need an excuse to help an ally, do I?

TAION: Yes, I can understand your sharing resources with them. But what I'm trying to say is-

NOAH: How does an Agnian colony know so much about the resource shortages of a Kevesi one? That's what you were going to say?

NOAH: That's what I was wondering too.

ALEXANDRIA: ...Haha, there's no putting anything past you.

ALEXANDRIA: Information is easy to come by if you know how. And I always stay up to date.

EUNIE: You're not saying you have an inside man, are you?

ALEXANDRIA: I wouldn't take that much of a risk. I'm just doing the same as you.

ALEXANDRIA: Here. This is how.

TAION: This is a Collectopaedia Card!

ALEXANDRIA: I told you, didn't I? I came up with them.

ALEXANDRIA: Did you think I could only see my own army's information?

EUNIE: Wait, but, wait.

EUNIE: You're saying that you leaked secret Agnus tech to get Keves to use it as well...?

NOAH: Huh... At the time, I just thought we got really lucky.

NOAH: When all along it was a ploy to dig up enemy intel...? I have to say I'm impressed.

ALEXANDRIA: The important part comes after that.

ALEXANDRIA: While analyzing the flow of resources, I realized that this war is almost perfectly balanced.

ALEXANDRIA: Almost like it doesn't want to end.

ALEXANDRIA: Which is to say, there's someone orchestrating the war from behind the scenes.

MIO: "When you think about rules, you have to realize that they are closely entangled with the intentions of whoever set them."

MIO: Your words, Alexandria. This is what you were talking about, isn't it?

EUNIE: You worked out that much. Didn't exactly try and blow the whistle, did you?

ALEXANDRIA: What else could I do? What could anybody have done, even had they known?

TAION: Then Ouroboros appeared... The world's "enemy".

TAION: And the enemy of one's enemy is one's friend. Right?

ALEXANDRIA: I'm glad you understand.

LANZ: I hope you're friendly with your actions as well as your words.

ALEXANDRIA: Cold as ever. OK, how about this?

ALEXANDRIA: I'll show you the storehouse, the heart of Colony Iota itself.

ALEXANDRIA: Take whatever supplies you need and use them as you will.


TAION: You're saying we have final say over resource distribution?

ALEXANDRIA: Well, you'll have to discuss the particulars of storehouse management with Chelle, but yes.

MIO: I appreciate the sentiment, but we wouldn't feel right...

ALEXANDRIA: Whoops, already pinged her!

EUNIE: Already?!

ALEXANDRIA: She doesn't have much spare time so you'd better get hustling.

ALEXANDRIA: The storehouse is a bit hard to give directions to, so first just head for Torus Hollow.

ALEXANDRIA: Just talk to Rhyza at the entrance and he'll let you in.

A "Novel" Book

info from the City, leads to the Standard Quest Writer's Block


MIO: ...A "novel"?

EUNIE: They're all the rage in the City. Some kind of book or something, I dunno.

LANZ: A book? Can't be that good then.

NOAH: I get the feeling they're pretty different from the textbooks we used to have to read.

MIO: Oh? Different how?

NOAH: I don't know the details. Are you curious, though, Mio?

MIO: Just a little.

EUNIE: Should we read one of these "novels" and see what it's like?

MIO: Yes, let's see if we can find one to buy in the City.

Lenny and Eastman's Row

info from Colony 9, leads to the Standard Quest Shared Secret


EUNIE: D'you hear the goss? Eastman and Lenny have been butting heads.

NOAH: That's an unusual match.

EUNIE: Eastman lashed out for some idiot reason. Didn't like Lenny keeping secrets or something.

LANZ: Not one for patience, is he?

NOAH: ...

NOAH: What sort of secrets was Lenny keeping?

EUNIE: I don't know if he'd talk to us, but it can't hurt to try, if you're worried.

NOAH: Right.

Herding Monsters

info from Colony 4, leads to the Standard Quest Charity and Hypocrisy


NOAH: So, just as we finish off solving the resources problem, a pack of monsters shows up?

SENA: They said they'd deal with it, but we should help, right?

TAION: And how long are we supposed to hold their hands? Have you forgotten what we're actually meant to be doing?

SENA: What? No, of course not...!

TAION: Colony 4 problems are for Colony 4 to solve. Ethel said as much.

TAION: And we're outsiders. The more we meddle, the more they'll be on guard against us.

NOAH: ...Do you think that what we've been doing is just meddling?

LANZ: Meddling, not-meddling, who cares as long as we're helping?

MIO: "The actions you believe to be correct don't always lead to good outcomes."

EUNIE: ...I think I remember Ethel saying that.

MIO: Yes, but think about it.

MIO: Doesn't it mean that if you don't take the action in the first place, you can't know if it's good or bad?


TAION: Mio, you're...

NOAH: ...She's right, is what she is. Sitting here wringing our hands won't do anything.

EUNIE: The Colony 4 gang are going to be at the Barren Knoll, right?

EUNIE: That ain't far. We can at least, you know, look in on them. Make sure they're handling themselves.

MIO: I agree with Eunie. Taion?

TAION: ...No objections. It's a logical conclusion following what I originally said.

NOAH: Good. We'll do everything we- Well. We'll do something, anyway.

City Discontent

info from the City, leads to the Standard Quest Choices


MIO: It's understandable that people are stressed and worried, what with everything that's happened...

MIO: But the City folk are really starting to get up in arms about it.

LANZ: ...I guess raids were normal for us back in the colonies. We just took that kind of thing for granted.

TAION: To them, fighting was something that happened in the outside world.

TAION: You can understand how seeing one of their fundamental beliefs shattered is going to cause some unhappiness.

LANZ: Suppose.

EUNIE: But then you've got those conservative types who were already afraid this kinda thing would happen.

EUNIE: Seems like they're already in a state of panic.

SENA: You're right. Everything feels quite precarious right now... I hope everyone in the City's OK.

NOAH: Should we maybe talk to Monica and Travis about it all?

MIO: I think we should.

MIO: I hope we can do something to help...

Guernica Vandham

leads to the Hero Quest Vandham's Heir


NOAH: We've been through a lot since we settled on getting to the City, huh?

NOAH: But we all made it through in one piece. That's something to be thankful for.

MIO: Yeah!

MIO: We're seeing a world that we've never known before, experiencing it for the first time.

MIO: I just wish I could have let Guernica know that too.

TAION: If it wasn't for him, we'd have been cut down right where we stood.

EUNIE: Yup. Or maybe just ended up blindly killing each other in battle like every other schmuck.

SENA: I'm glad it didn't come to that.

LANZ: Yeah, think about it.

LANZ: What the old man gave us... It was immense.

EUNIE: But in the end, we won't know a flippin' thing about the guy, will we? Kinda sucks.

EUNIE: I mean, it's pretty late in the day. But I really wanna know more about him.

MIO: I wonder what his motive was for giving us this power.

MIO: No... In fact, I think we have a duty to find out.

MIO: Because like him, we stand together with the people of the City.

SENA: Seems all the City folk thought he was a pretty awesome guy, huh?

SENA: Especially Monica... He was a really special person for her, right?

TAION: Indeed. Monica was referring to him as "Dad", even.

TAION: It's a City custom. That's what they call the person who raises them.

NOAH: Perhaps we could ask Monica about Guernica, find out what he really thought.

NOAH: After all, we're carrying his dreams now, fighting to make them real.


info automatically from progressing through Triton's Hero Quest, required to do in order to progress quest, and pics from here since I forgot to take any when I went through the quest myself


LANZ: I'm not 100% on what "booty" is. Is it like treasure?

EUNIE: Yeah, maybe something shiny? Somebody'll find that valuable, probably?

TAION: Hmm, good point. I think you might be on to something, there.

NOAH: Something valuable... like something that's been around longer than us? Like a hundred times older than us?

EUNIE: Like what? Are you sayin' a handful of rocks is more valuable than us?

MANANA: Friends wrong! Treasure is clearly food so delicious it makes whole face fall off!

MIO: I dunno... Food's kind of subjective. Different people like different things.

TAION: I don't think we're going to agree on anything.

NOAH: Instead of finding out what's right... why don't we just collect everything?

LANZ: It's so simple... I love it! Let's get a wriggle on.

The Colony 15 Folk

info from eavesdropping in city after Colony 15 moves in, leads to the Standard Quest Life in the City


MIO: I wonder if the City folk and the Colony 15 people are getting along OK...

LANZ: I mean, none of them are bad guys, or anything like that. But people can be surprisingly dumb, huh?

EUNIE: Well, we haven't got word of any major snuff-ups yet. Maybe they're managing to rub along together, somehow?

TAION: Certainly, if they don't manage, it'll be a significant problem.

NOAH: We could take a look ourselves and see how it's going? Might be better than just stewing about it.

NOAH: If it's all fine, then great. If there are problems, maybe we can lend a hand and set things straight.

SENA: Sounds like a plan!