Emerald Isle

page last updated: 7 may 2024

the name has zero to do with Ireland and everything to do with me liking sonic. anyway, this is my main base for the world where the cottage and castle are located. i found this neat island that was old-growth birch forest pretty far out in the ocean, and the island was decently large but not too large for my tastes, ergo i could turn the entire island into a base.

i decided to do a greek insprired (well, santorini at any rate) town along the coast. it felt fitting bc of it being an island/coast. also i'd used a lot of diorite building my house (soon turned into more of a palace) so i wanted to continue using mostly white.

lastly, an interior shot of the main hall in my house! also my main storage area, which is the main reason i made the ceiling high as a cathedral (behind aesthetics, of course)